A loving alternative for homeless pregnant or parenting young mothers

Annual Angel Banquet and Auction

Thank you to all who generously supported Magdalene Home at our Angel Banquet & Auction on February 8, 2025. If you were not able to attend, please enjoy the photos and join us next year on Saturday February 14, 2026. 

2025 Southern Oregon Brokers Golf Tournament

Hey golfers, here is your chance to play your favorite game and support homeless teen moms and their babies.  This fun event is put on by Eagle Rock Freight and benefits Magdalene Home. The next tournament will be on Saturday, September 13, 2025.

Many Heartfelt Thanks to our Community Partners

Our community partners support us in so many ways and are an integral part of helping our young moms and their babies create a brighter future.  We work closely with our partners to connect our girls with supportive services and mentors that will continue to be available to them as they move on to independent living. Through donations and grant, our partners help ensure that Magdalene Home can continue to provide a loving and a stable home to young families in need in the southern Oregon.